All of our 1911 grips are available for both the Government and Officers size frames.  We make all grips with the cut on the back of the right grip to accommodate an ambi safety.  We do not relieve the top right hand grip for an ambi; there are so many different models available that one cut will simply not fit all.  This task is easily done with a Dremel tool using a sanding drum.

Combat Checkered & Smooth
  This is our first grip.  Wanting to make something very practical we went with fully checkered and included an optional dish to better access the magazine release.  It is also available smooth for those who don’t want the checkering digging into flesh when carried under a shirt.  
Diamond Stocks

The classic grip with smooth diamond shaped areas around the screw holes.  A very popular seller.

Tactical Stocks

We developed this grip while looking for a way to make a more functional grip.  For all those grip makers who have copied this design without a clue as to why.  The smooth area is where it is to allow the hand to slide on the gun for a quick and consistent draw.  This smooth area also protects the tender web of the hand.  The checkering is where it is to allow for a secure purchase when shooting.


Skip Checkered Stocks

This is a traditional pattern that was popular in the past on rifle stocks.  It adapts well to the 1911 stock and looks exceptional in a polished laminate.

Rosewood Thin Grip

Thin Grips

These stocks are cut thin for smaller hands and or to better conceal. The stocks are serrated for an improved purchase.  Due to their thin profile custom grip screws and bushings are included.

  Custom 1911 Grips  

We can modify our standard grips to better suit your needs.  We have a $10 Special charge which covers one or multiple changes.  The following are changes we offer.

Elimination of Ambi Cut or Mainspring Pin Clearance
  Modify for a Bobtail or Round Butt.  For cosmetic reasons we recommend keeping the mainspring clearance cut.  Trust us on this one.  
  Add Ambi Clearance on the right side grip.  We notch the top of the grip with a mirror cut of the right grips thumb safety clearance cut.   

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